Ashden Events

Ashden Combined Authority workshop on domestic retrofit

In-person event

Ashden Combined Authority workshop on domestic retrofit

Retrofit Technologies

Sharing the learning from the retrofit accelerator work being undertaken by Greater Manchester Combined Authority and by West Midlands Combined Authority.

  • Format: In person, with lots of interactive sessions
  • Date: 4th October, 10.30am-4pm
  • Venue: Bruntwood Bloc, rooms 1 & 2, Bloc 17, Marble St, Manchester M2 3AW
  • (10 minute walk from Manchester Piccadilly station)


A full agenda will be circulated later in July, but the workshop will explore:

  • Key learning: What’s working well, and why, with the current accelerator work?
  • One-stop shop: Key lessons from setting up a one-stop-shop for retrofit including funding and marketing
  • Retrofit assessors: The pros and cons of having in-house retrofit assessors and coordinators
  • Working with local businesses: How CAs can work with:
    • Local installers on ECO marketing (funded by the installers) and delivery
    • Local DIY stores on setting up retrofit hubs
    • Heat pump manufacturers on the promotion of renewable heating
  • Skills: How Combined Authorities can support the development of the skills required to scale up retrofit activity
  • Finance: Opportunities for working with finance providers to plug the gap between able to pay and grant funded work
  • Devolution: What are the opportunities for retrofit in relating to devolution deals?


  • Todd Holden: Energy Policy and Programmes LeadGreater Manchester Combined Authority

  • George Simms: SMART Hub LeadWest Midlands Combined Authority
  • Mark Atherton: Director of EnvironmentGreater Manchester Combined Authority

Event Information

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