Ashden Events

Post-COP26 and Net Zero Strategy briefing for local authorities – Webinar

Post-COP26 and Net Zero Strategy briefing for local authorities – Webinar

This event has already taken place. You can watch the recording below.

Ashden, Centre for Alternative Technology and the Grantham Institute hosted a webinar for local authorities to share our insights following COP26, and publication of the Net Zero Strategy and Heat & Buildings Strategy.




  • Alyssa Gilbert – Director of Policy and Translation, at the Grantham Institute, Climate and the Environment, Imperial College London. Alyssa is also Chair of the COP26 Universities Network.
  • Cara Jenkinson, Cities Manager at Ashden. She is co-author of several of Ashden’s resources for councils as well as leading on Ashden’s UK Green Skills and Green Communities Awards.
  • Paul Allen, Centre for Alternative Technologies. Paul has been involved in the Zero Carbon Britain project since its inception and has attended many COP meetings over the years to present CAT’s work. CAT is a COP26 official observer.


There will be a Q & A session following speakers’ presentations.




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