Video resources for local authorities

Video resources: home retrofit


Posted By:

Matthew Ahluwalia

Programme Officer

An exposed wall

Ashden’s Local Authority Hub network brings councils insights and advice on boosting home retrofit.

Explore our range of bite-size, 10 minute video presentations on this topic from expert speakers in the sector, first shared at our hub workshops.

This programme is supported by MCS Charitable Foundation.

Home retrofit


Jennie Stopford and Nicole Solomons team up to talk about how Cornwall Council has collaborated with local energy advice charity Community Energy Plus to improve housing conditions in the notoriously thorny private rented sector. Cornwall established a Landlord Liaison Officer post and have engaged with 200+ landlords to reduce fuel poverty and increase the energy efficiency of properties.

00:00 – Introduction
01:07 – Housing Stock Challenges
05:27 – Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards projects
09:10 – Best Practice and Removing Barriers


Only by prioritising energy efficiency and the retrofit of homes can we protect the most vulnerable in the long run whilst also improving quality of life and cutting carbon emissions. For London Climate Action Week 2022, Ashden convened four of its outstanding award winners to showcase their innovative and vital solutions – from smart data to insulating robots.

00:00 – Introduction to Ashden
02:24 – Switchee
13:48 – Guru Systems
23:35 – Q-Bot
34:56 – Energiesprong
46:51 – Q&A

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